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ESG Report | DigitalBridge Flipbook

ESG | Report45 pages


We aim to build a sustainable future by enhancing connectivity around the world, creating economic growth, preserving natural resources, and improving the communities in which DigitalBridge and our portfolio companies operate. 1 FROM OUR CEO 18 ESG IN OUR PORTFOLIO 19 Building Future-Focused Businesses 3 OUR BUSINESS 21 Environmental 4 2020 Highlights 24 Social 5 About DigitalBridge 27 Governance 6 Our Business Model 7 Corporate Governance 30 RESPONSIBLE CITIZENSHIP 31 Ethics and Compliance 8 ESG AT DIGITALBRIDGE 32 Risk and Reliability 9 Our Approach 33 Protecting People and Data 12 Net Zero 2030 14 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 17 Empowering Employees 34 APPENDIX 35 About This Report 36 Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Disclosures

OUR BUSINESS | DIGITALBRIDGE | PORTFOLIO | CITIZENSHIP | APPENDIX | DIGITALBRIDGE.COM 11 From Our CEO Transformed from diversified to digital, we have a new vision for the future. I am pleased to share with you “The events and challenges of the exciting transformation we are the past year have accelerated driving at DigitalBridge. The past our commitment to deliver 18 months have been a dynamic period of positive change for our connectivity solutions around company. Since becoming Chief the world and amplified the Executive Officer in July 2020, I positive social and environmental have worked tirelessly with my partners and with our Board of impacts we create.” Directors, taking decisive action MARC GANZI to accelerate our ability to create shareholder and stakeholder value. We have a new name, a new brand and a new REIT BrightSpire Capital, Inc. (f/k/a Colony Credit organization purpose-built to provide infrastructure Real Estate). Our investment approach now focuses that powers the growing global digital ecosystem exclusively on digital infrastructure: towers, small that can connect more people and organizations cells, fiber networks and data centers. We believe around the world. that this model offers our mobile network operator A Digital Transformation and hyperscale customers distinct advantages in the midst of a global communications revolution. Several years ago we set a goal to transition from a diversified traditional commercial real estate Promises Made, Promises Kept investment trust into a company solely focused on When I took over as CEO, I made several promises, investing in digital infrastructure. We have largely including a commitment to further integrate and pri- accomplished that. As of June 2021, our digital oritize environmental, social and governance (ESG) assets represented 80% of our total investments. considerations throughout our business activities. We have sold our Industrial and Hospitality units, I knew I had to begin by resolving a variety of acquired over a dozen digital portfolio companies, challenging governance issues. Now, less than a and internalized the operations of our mortgage The Evolution of 96% 4% 68% 32% 42% 58% 20% 80% DigitalBridge Our digital transformation, which began three years ago, 1 1 1 2 has entered its final phase. 2018 2019 2020 2021 Assets Under Management (AUM) Legacy Businesses AUM DigitalBridge AUM 1 As of December 31, 2018, 2019 and 2020 2 As of June 30, 2021 on a pro forma basis

OUR BUSINESS | DIGITALBRIDGE | PORTFOLIO | CITIZENSHIP | APPENDIX | DIGITALBRIDGE.COM 2 year later, sound corporate governance and Empowering People responsible leadership are the cornerstones of our Human capital is the lifeblood of any organization. organization. Our executive leadership team has I believe that ethics, enthusiasm and expertise been fully rotated, with new talent in virtually every are critical to achieving our goals. Thus, we have senior position. Guided by shareholder input, we ingrained a new culture and have promoted new instituted stronger corporate governance practices values across our entire business. By more fully and better aligned executive compensation with embracing people from a variety of backgrounds, we shareholders’ interests. I led the transformation of are forming a diverse, next-generation team to help our Board of Directors, substantially increasing the us build a more sustainable organization. Through diversity, independence and digital expertise of the enhanced hiring practices, we have more than tripled board. We believe this smaller, more diverse and the percentage of women on our investment team digitally focused board will improve the strategic over the past three years. While we are off to a good direction of the company. start, it is not nearly enough. Under our four-pillar Taking Action on Climate Change Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiatives, we will continue to ensure we have a workplace where Climate change is one of the most pressing prob- people from all backgrounds can thrive. lems facing our world today. As a society, we must I invite you to read this report to learn more about enact systemic change to avert catastrophic climate our accomplishments and aspirations. As technology breakdown. As such, DigitalBridge has made a bold, advances and telecommunication networks expand, science-based commitment that seeks to achieve we will continue to scale our business and provide net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2030–and the infrastructure and expertise to support the this commitment includes all of our portfolio com- future. We pledge to do so guided by our ethics. We panies. Our Net Zero 2030 commitment is both a will act with transparency. And we will be mindful of business and ethical imperative. Beyond that, net our impact on local communities and the planet. zero strategies will be a competitive advantage for our portfolio companies. Many of them are strategic partners to some of the world’s largest organizations Marc Ganzi that also have ambitious climate and clean energy commitments. This important work will build on and Chief Executive Officer accelerate our portfolio companies’ responsible DigitalBridge energy management and use of renewable energy sources. Our focus is firmly on the future as we pioneer the creation and implementation of net zero strat- egies as an asset manager. We are deepening our commitment to responsible environmental, social and governance management, embracing our role as a thought leader that breaks barriers and leads by action.


OUR BUSINESS | DIGITALBRIDGE | PORTFOLIO | CITIZENSHIP | APPENDIX | DIGITALBRIDGE.COM 4 2020 Highlights ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIAL GOVERNANCE* Focusing on Tackling Helping Transforming digital climate people our infrastructure change thrive leadership Launched 2030 Launched 58% a comprehensive 8 digital assets as of the year we have Diversity, Equity and of 10 directors are Q4 2020 pledged to achieve net Inclusion initiative independent zero greenhouse gas 80% emissions 100% 50% rotated on a 3 of portfolio companies of the Board of pro forma basis as of have a professional Directors are female June 2021 portfolio companies dedicated to ESG man- and/or people of color on track for carbon agement and reporting neutrality by 2021 year-end * Board of Directors statistics are as of Annual Meeting, March 19, 2021

OUR BUSINESS | DIGITALBRIDGE | PORTFOLIO | CITIZENSHIP | APPENDIX | DIGITALBRIDGE.COM 55 About DigitalBridge DigitalBridge Group, Inc. (NYSE: DBRG) is a leading global investment company with a focus on identifying and capitalizing on key secular trends in digital real estate. The company manages a $46 billion portfolio of real assets on $46B behalf of our shareholders and limited partners, including $32 1 billion in digital real estate investments through DigitalBridge, assets under management 1 our digital infrastructure investment platform. DigitalBridge rebranded from Colony Capital on June 22, 2021. $32B This name captures our new mission as an organization that builds, operates and finances a new era in connectivity to 1 digital real estate investments leverage a single platform focused on the full spectrum of digital infrastructure, including towers, data centers, fiber and small cells. INFRASTRUCTURE2 OFFICES Americas Boca Raton, 22 130K Corporate Headquarters digital portfolio fiber route miles Los Angeles companies New York EMEA 3 70K 38 K London towers/sites small cell nodes Asia-Pacific 10 0+ Singapore data centers 1 As of May 6, 2021 (excludes impact of divestitures announced in June 2021) 2 As of June 30, 2021

OUR BUSINESS | DIGITALBRIDGE | PORTFOLIO | CITIZENSHIP | APPENDIX | DIGITALBRIDGE.COM 6 Our Business Model Our converged network powers the digital economy while creating positive social and environmental impacts. 1 DigitalBridge’s distinctive operating model focuses has grown by 550% during that time. Through on investing in a growing network of companies better energy management, more efficient hard- that form the backbone of wireless and internet ware and increased use of renewable energy, our infrastructure. energy-efficient hyperscale data centers are Our global portfolio delivers converged connectivity providing increased capacity while also reducing solutions to many of the world’s leading mobile net- their environmental impact. work operators and hyperscale computing companies. Social Impact We believe we have uniquely positioned DigitalBridge We provide capital to create critical connectivity at a at the cross-section of the high-growth technology time when people are more dependent on digital and sector and the traditional real estate and infrastructure mobile communications than ever before. Our expand- investment landscape. ing cell tower networks can help close the digital In addition to powering the digital economy and cre- divide by bringing internet connectivity that promotes ating value for our investors, our portfolio companies economic growth, inclusiveness and innovation. create important environmental and social impacts. Enhanced connectivity through our extensive fiber Environmental Impact optic networks helps all communities flourish. To address the impacts of climate change, we are Broadband fiber is an important generator of eco- working to reduce our carbon emissions and are nomic development as well as a critical component engaging with our portfolio companies, particularly for government services. Research indicates that our data center investments, to achieve net zero broadband access and adoption leads to economic carbon emissions by 2030. Research shows that growth, higher incomes and lower unemployment as data center energy use worldwide has increased by well as positive social outcomes including improved only 6% since 2010, while data center computing health, access to education and social cohesion.2 3 Our business model capitalizes on four powerful trends. IoT 5G Mobile Internet of Things Cloud Edge Networks (IoT) Infrastructure Computing $1 trillion in new Device-to-device Capital expenditures 1.6 million servers; capital expenditures connections to in- will reach $88 billion 10% of all cloud work- projected to deploy crease to 80 billion by in 2020 loads will be placed at next-gen networks 2025 and 500 billion or near data sources in 2030 by 2028 1 Recalibrating global data center energy-use estimates, February 28, 2020, Science 2 Digital Prosperity: How Broadband Can Deliver Health and Equity to All Communities, February 2020, Metropolitan Policy Program at Brookings 3 GSMA, The Mobile Economy, March 2020; Cisco Annual Internet Report; Credit Suisse, September 2020; Cowen and Company

OUR BUSINESS | DIGITALBRIDGE | PORTFOLIO | CITIZENSHIP | APPENDIX | DIGITALBRIDGE.COM 77 Corporate Governance We have quickly and decisively implemented profound corporate governance changes. Transformed for Transparency DigitalBridge Board of Directors Today, the corporate governance framework of DigitalBridge embodies our commitment to conduct our business transparently, with integrity, and in line with evolving investor expectations. Throughout 2020 and into early 2021, our CEO and company took decisive action to fundamentally restructure our Board of Directors. We also instituted several corpo- 30% rate governance changes, including those designed of directors to support our digital transformation and better align are women executive compensation with shareholder interests. 50% Smaller, More Diverse Board of directors have In 2020, we set a goal to significantly change the digital expertise composition of our Board of Directors on several levels. By May 2021, we had achieved our objective. Today, our board includes a mix of directors with complementary industry experience. For the first time, our chairperson and two other directors are women and two directors are people of color. Also, 20% we fulfilled our commitment to reduce the board size from 12 to 10 directors, including eight indepen- of directors are dent directors. We believe that this smaller, more people of color 80% diverse and digitally focused board will improve the independent quality and relevance of decision-making across the directors company’s business activities. The experience and attributes of our new board members are essential to improving outcomes for our private investors and public shareholders and meeting the board’s over- sight responsibility. 3.9 years Expanded ESG Oversight Our Board of Directors provides ultimate oversight of average tenure our sustainability program and performance as well as our overall ESG performance, including actions to address climate risk. As we expand, this oversight is critical to ensuring that our implementation progress- es as planned and our strategy evolves appropriately. Implementation of our ESG strategy and initiatives is led by our ESG Committee, which is described on page 9. Learn more in our 2021 Proxy Statement.


OUR BUSINESS | DIGITALBRIDGE | PORTFOLIO | CITIZENSHIP | APPENDIX | DIGITALBRIDGE.COM 99 Our Approach We integrate ESG considerations throughout our entire investment process. Our Responsible Investment Policy to develop initiatives designed to improve related Our Responsible Investment Policy serves as the performance, metrics and disclosure. cornerstone of our approach. This policy guides This committee presents ESG data and updates on a the integration of both macro-level and company- quarterly basis to DigitalBridge’s Board of Directors, specific environmental, social and governance (ESG) which reviews and monitors the ESG performance of considerations throughout the investment life cycle. the company and our portfolio companies. Development of this policy was informed by relevant third-party standards, best practices and global initiatives, including the Principles for Responsible “Our team has fully bought in Investment (PRI), Sustainability Accounting Stan- dards Board (SASB) and the United Nations Sustain- as we work together to implement able Development Goals. ESG initiatives across the company ESG Management and is pulling together to accelerate Responsibility for managing ESG issues became our impact across the portfolio.” more embedded across our organization in 2020. DigitalBridge’s cross-functional ESG Committee Jeff Ginsberg includes operating and investment professionals Chief Administrative Officer who oversee the company’s ESG program and help Chair, ESG Committee DIGITALBRIDGE ESG COMMITTEE Jeff Ginsberg Leslie Golden Rommel Marseille Latifa Tefridj-Gaillard Kay Papantonlou Chief Administrative Managing Director Managing Director Managing Director Managing Director, Officer (Chair) Global Head of Human Resources Matty Yohannan Genevieve Manjari Govada Kristen Whealon Deana Placenti Chief of Staff Maltais-Bolsvert Principal Chief Compliance Executive Assistant Principal Officer

OUR BUSINESS | DIGITALBRIDGE | PORTFOLIO | CITIZENSHIP | APPENDIX | DIGITALBRIDGE.COM 10 Priority ESG Issues a targeted universe of priority issues that we The thoughtful consideration of ESG issues provides consider during due diligence as well as actively an important perspective to identify potential risks monitor and address during asset management: and opportunities to create value. DigitalBridge is n strategically directing our attention and resources on Climate Change: Energy Efficiency, Greenhouse those issues where we can achieve the greatest out- Gas Emissions and Physical Climate Risks n comes throughout the investment process. During Data Privacy, Data Security and Associated Human both due diligence and asset management, we focus Rights n on the most relevant ESG issues, which we have pri- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) n oritized according to two criteria: those that have the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, Anti-Bribery greatest impact on our business and/or our digital and Anti-Corruption n infrastructure portfolio companies and those that are Workplace Health and Safety the most important to our stakeholders. The result is ESG Integration Process for Fund Management Due Portfolio Portfolio Diligence Engagement Reporting What We Do Our ESG Consultant and What We Do We educate and empower What We Do We provide portfolio Investment Teams review material portfolio company professionals with companies with a common set of ESG factors of all potential invest- knowledge, tools, resources and con- ESG metrics to be reported at each ments in accordance with Digi- nections to accelerate ESG integration. portfolio company board meeting and talBridge’s Responsible Investment We do this through trainings, introduc- partner with individual portfolio Policy. tions to vetted vendors, a dedicated companies to develop additional Results We provide a summary resource site that includes templates relevant metrics. of ESG analysis to the Investment and guidance for initiatives related to Results Each DigitalBridge portfolio Committee to inform the investment DEI, energy management, stakeholder company has an employee who decision. management and human rights. manages ESG issues and will be ex- Results DigitalBridge portfolio com- pected to report on DigitalBridge ESG panies are leading the way on many metrics in each quarterly portfolio important ESG issues across their company board report. respective sector. INTEGRATION OF ESG PRACTICES & SOLUTIONS Building Internal Capabilities Every member of our company needs to understand and integrate relevant ESG considerations in their respective role. Thus, all DigitalBridge professionals are trained annually on ESG issues. In 2020, all employees participated in a customized session that detailed the company’s approach to ESG integration, how ESG consider- ations are embedded in our investment process and the potential impacts of climate change on digital infrastructure. This training was designed to equip our investment professionals to fully participate in the ESG integration process.

OUR BUSINESS | DIGITALBRIDGE | PORTFOLIO | CITIZENSHIP | APPENDIX | DIGITALBRIDGE.COM 1111 ESG Partners We have cultivated long-term relationships with leading responsible investing frameworks, sustainability experts and nongovernmental organizations to expand our perspective and increase the effectiveness of our broader ESG program. As a member of BSR A Founding Patron of the DigitalBridge is a In 2019, DigitalBridge since 2018, we rely on Pension Real Estate proud signatory of the established a long- its global network of Association (PREA) Principles for Respon- term partnership more than 100 sustain- Foundation since 2017, sible Investment (PRI) with Télécoms Sans able business experts we support the foun- because we recognize Frontières (TSF), an to enhance our ESG dation’s Sponsors for the value of supporting emergency-response due diligence process Educational Opportunity a nonprofit organi- technology nongovern- and deliver training to (SEO) program, which zation that advances mental organization. our Investment Teams. provides select edu- responsible investment TSF provides new BSR also engages with cational and internship globally, shares best technologies for rapid our portfolio companies opportunities to college practices across the response, capacity to provide research and students from under- industry and evaluates building, education, best practices related represented backgrounds. our performance each protection and assis- to climate, diversity and In 2020, three of our four year. tance to bridge the human rights issues. 2021 summer interns digital divide across were sourced through isolated communities. our relationship with SEO.

OUR BUSINESS | DIGITALBRIDGE | PORTFOLIO | CITIZENSHIP | APPENDIX | DIGITALBRIDGE.COM 12 Net Zero 2030 Given the urgency of climate change, we are taking strong action to address this dire threat. One of our highest priorities is to achieve net zero science. By following best practices and consulting greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) at DigitalBridge with industry experts, we have developed a goal and all our portfolio companies by 2030. In light that we believe is: of our global strategic relationships with hyper- 1. Comprehensive Includes Scope 1, 2 and all signif- scalers, large mobile network operators and icant Scope 3 GHG emissions from our own opera- other customers with aggressive decarbonization tions and that of our portfolio companies* commitments, we seek to remain a leading investor 2. Credible Aligns with the SBTi definition of net zero tackling this issue. Thus, we have set an aggressive goal to reach net zero emissions on an acceler- 3. Clear Utilizes the Task Force on Climate-related ated time frame and by adhering to the Science Financial Disclosures (TCFD) framework to measure Based Targets Initiative (SBTi), which defines and and report on progress promotes emissions reductions in line with climate DigitalBridge and Portfolio Company Timeline 2021 2022 2023 2025 2026 2028 2030 Detail Complete Complete Meet interim Meet Net Zero Meet 2028 Achieve Net strategy for assessment of Net Zero 2025 targets target for interim targets Zero 2030 DigitalBridge’s GHG footprint Road Map DigitalBridge’s and update Net Zero 2030 Report ESG at with board internal plan for Net commitment board level approval and operations Zero 2030 Appoint ESG interim targets director and/ for 2025 and DigitalBridge Operations or establish 2028 Portfolio Companies committee New Investments Timeline INVESTMENT CALCULATE CARBON FOOTPRINT CREATE NET ZERO ROAD MAP ACHIEVE NET ZERO Investments and Within six Within 12 By Dec. 31, Add-On Acquisitions months of months of 2030 Present-2026 investment investment Post-2027 Investments Must be Within six Within two completed at months of years of time of closing closing closing * Emission reduction targets will be set for two-thirds of DigitalBridge’s Scope 3 emissions, in line with the SBTi’s recommendation. Achieving this 2030 timeline is not assured. For the purposes of our Net Zero 2030 commitment, Portfolio Companies are defined as companies in which DigitalBridge has a control position and has held for a minimum of two years.

OUR BUSINESS | DIGITALBRIDGE | PORTFOLIO | CITIZENSHIP | APPENDIX | DIGITALBRIDGE.COM 1313 Net Zero Policy and Advocacy Partners DigitalBridge is partnering with the following groups to achieve our goal and ensure that our approach aligns with industry best practices. Our definition of net DigitalBridge will seek EDF’s well-established As a signatory, zero and approach to to source credits for Climate Corps program DigitalBridge will benefit setting science-based any unavoidable emis- will place experienced from knowledge sharing targets are aligned sions from NCP, a lead- MBAs at portfolio com- with the Net Zero Asset with the SBTi, and we ing provider of green- panies to accelerate and Managers Initiative’s will seek to have both house gas footprinting implement sustainability 87 signatories with over DigitalBridge and our and broker for credible, projects. EDF generally $37 trillion of assets portfolio companies verified carbon offsets. draws from a diverse who have committed to targets validated by cohort of fellows. achieve net zero goals by the SBTi. 2050 or sooner. Four Steps to Net Zero Emissions Determined to go beyond carbon neutrality, DigitalBridge and our portfolio companies seek to take substantial actions to reduce emissions on our collective journey to net zero, as detailed below. Many of our portfolio com- panies have already made ambitious climate commitments and significant progress in reducing their carbon emissions. Learn more on pages 25 and 26. Energy Renewable Supply Carbon Reductions Energy Chain Offsets Net Zero REDUCE SOURCE DECARBONIZE COMPENSATE Emissions energy consumption 100% renewable supply chain for unavoidable through better energy through through supplier emissions energy management onsite generation collaboration and efficiency and power purchase initiatives agreements Reduce all possible Purchase verified, permanent actual emissions carbon removals Activating Our Entire Team Reaching this aggressive objective will require the support and involvement of people across our entire organization and at all our portfolio companies. Thus, concurrent with the launch of our Net Zero 2030 commitment, we hosted a webinar for portfolio company management featuring leading experts from BSR and Natural Capital Partners. Presenters shared the expectations of the largest technology players regarding climate change and energy management. They also described the process of measuring and offsetting a GHG footprint, and how to complete the measurement process by the end of 2021.

OUR BUSINESS | DIGITALBRIDGE | PORTFOLIO | CITIZENSHIP | APPENDIX | DIGITALBRIDGE.COM 14 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion We have formalized and accelerated our efforts to create a welcoming, inclusive workplace. Maintaining a workplace environment that val- 15-member Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) ues human differences and includes people of all Steering Committee, reporting to him as Executive backgrounds makes us a better company. It allows Sponsor. Many of these steering committee mem- us to attract and retain the most qualified profes- bers also serve on our ESG Committee. sionals. We believe that drawing upon more diverse Marc outlined a four-pillar approach and charged viewpoints helps us achieve better results and has the committee with developing a comprehensive set become increasingly more important to the global of DEI initiatives. Subcommittees aligned with the customers of our portfolio companies. four DEI pillars set performance targets, developed CEO Leadership implementation plans and mapped out goals and At DigitalBridge, the mandate for faster progress time frames. Within just a few months, the commit- across all facets of the business begins at the high- tee’s recommendations received executive approval est levels of our organization: with our CEO Marc and funding. Ganzi, who has challenged the company to do more. Learn how we are attracting, retaining and promot- To embed ownership throughout the organization, ing talent across our company and at the leadership in 2020 Marc established a cross-functional, level on page 16. Our four-part DEI initiative is designed to attract, retain and reward talented people from all backgrounds who can help advance our business. PILLAR ONE PILLAR TWO PILLAR THREE PILLAR FOUR Mentorships Internships Recruitment Careers and Compensation

OUR BUSINESS | DIGITALBRIDGE | PORTFOLIO | CITIZENSHIP | APPENDIX | DIGITALBRIDGE.COM 1515 Our DEI Partners In 2020, we collaborated with the following organizations to broaden our network and accelerate the implementation of our DEI goals. Early results of these partnerships can be found on the next page. The Knowledge is Based in London, the SEO’s mission is to Toigo’s mission is Power Program, known One Search Young create a more equitable to transform the as KIPP, is a network of Women Into Finance society by closing the performance of forward- free, open enrollment, scholarship program is academic and opportu- thinking organizations college-preparatory designed to demon- nity gap for motivated through education and schools in low-income strate to young women young people. SEO’s strategies that drive communities through- that they can pursue Alternative Investments greater inclusion. Toigo out the U.S. More than a career in finance. Fellowship Program also seeks to advance 95% of KIPP students For those who show educates and mentors the ongoing develop- are African American serious interest and high-achieving young ment and promotion of or Latino/Hispanic, and potential, it provides a professionals who are exceptional leaders from more than 88% are pathway to achieving traditionally underrep- diverse backgrounds. eligible for the federally this upon graduation. resented for success in subsidized meal pro- the alternative invest- gram. KIPP’s culture fo- ments industry. cuses on achievement and placing students on the path to graduate college. Advancing Women Through sustained, intentional hiring practices and promotions across the company, we have 2017 2020 significantly increased the number of women on our corporate team and throughout our 6% 20% organization. While we certainly have a long way Female Female to go, our DEI initiative maps out a clear strategy Investment Investment for how we will continue to improve. Professionals* Professionals* * Investment professionals in DigitalBridge’s asset management business.

OUR BUSINESS | DIGITALBRIDGE | PORTFOLIO | CITIZENSHIP | APPENDIX | DIGITALBRIDGE.COM 16 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Initiative Through collaborative teamwork and focused execution, our DEI subcommittees have already achieved signifi- cant progress and even surpassed some of the goals set less than one year ago. Goals Achievements Next Steps Mentorships Launch and implement a Developed partnership with Continue to conduct successful mentorship program KIPP mentorships and increase that reaches out to individuals Paired employees with the number of DigitalBridge from underrepresented more than 20 KIPP students professionals involved groups* early in their career to support their college application process Internships Launch DigitalBridge’s first 80% of summer analysts were Leverage our Summer Analyst formal Summer Analyst from underrepresented groups Program to increase diversity Program for undergraduate and in finance within the company graduate students, composed Sponsored the SEO Alternative Partner with SEO, KIPP and of at least 50% people Investments Fellowship Young Women Into Finance from groups traditionally Program underrepresented in finance Continue work with SEO to develop SEO Portfolio, a similar talent placement program for portfolio companies Recruitment Double the percentage Included 60% candidates from Require diverse slates of of employees from underrepresented groups in candidates for all hiring and underrepresented groups at all the 2020/2021 associate class promotions levels of DigitalBridge Continue to expand and diversify the DigitalBridge network Provide unconscious bias training for all managers and maintain the clear evaluation criteria for performance appraisals Careers and Increase the percentage of Expanded the performance Create a Careers and Compensation promotions of individuals from appraisal process to include Compensation panel underrepresented groups peer reviews and reviews Establish an internal from other departments, with mentorship program the goal of implementing 360-degree reviews Establish employee resource groups to foster a diverse, inclusive workplace * DigitalBridge defines underrepresented groups as those racial and gender groups represented at disproportionately low levels in the finance sector.

OUR BUSINESS | DIGITALBRIDGE | PORTFOLIO | CITIZENSHIP | APPENDIX | DIGITALBRIDGE.COM 1717 Empowering Employees Our people are central to our success. We strive to create an environment in which people Engagement are valued, supported and provided with resources Even as most employees worked remotely, we en- that can enable them to thrive. couraged camaraderie through numerous informal Career Development events. In 2020, senior executives hosted virtual conversations regarding social justice and racial We are committed to helping our employees plan inequity for both U.S. and international employees. for their future. We provide opportunities for leaders Due to the large turnout, employees were able to to connect with seasoned professionals to develop engage in discussions in smaller breakout sessions. their skills through our professional development programs. Employees learn key tools and goals to Building Stronger Communities improve management capabilities and enhance Our employees support the communities in which personal and professional capabilities. Aside from our they live and work by participating in local and na- regular training resources such as online automated tional causes. Due to the restrictions imposed by the classes, we are engaging in professional training for COVID-19 pandemic, most of our usual community employees across the organization. It is expected service events and employee volunteering did not that each employee will receive at least six hours of take place during 2020. However, employees partici- diversity awareness training in 2021. pated in virtual volunteer events, including a 5K Walk Health and Safety to Fight Homelessness. During 2020, we introduced interactive monthly Employee Charitable Gift Matching wellness seminars featuring guest speakers who In 2020, many employees supported causes mean- presented techniques for staying physically and ingful to them, including COVID-19 response and mentally healthy while working remotely during the relief, by contributing to our Matching Gifts program. COVID-19 pandemic. Seminars addressed topics We match employee donations to eligible charitable such as healthy eating, healthy aging and preventing organizations on a dollar-for-dollar basis up to an burnout. annual maximum of $450,000. Employee Benefits We seek to reward our employees for their hard work and dedication. As such, full-time U.S. employees are eligible for an array of benefits, including: n Paid holidays, vacation, personal and sick days n Competitive medical, dental and vision plans n Flexible spending accounts and life assistance n Life and disability insurance n Company match on employee 401(k) contributions n Student loan paydown assistance n Charitable gift matching


OUR BUSINESS | DIGITALBRIDGE | PORTFOLIO | CITIZENSHIP | APPENDIX | DIGITALBRIDGE.COM 1919 Building Future-Focused Businesses ESG integration is an essential part of building businesses prepared to succeed. DigitalBridge’s ESG Expectations Working with our portfolio companies, DigitalBridge software. Topics should include employee sets high ESG expectations, shares best practices safety, diversity and inclusion, unconscious bias, and equips each company with tools, resources and climate change, discrimination, harassment and templates that help them accelerate their ESG initia- anti-bribery/Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) tives. We have identified the following foundational Human Resources Audit: Companies should con- practices, which we believe provide the groundwork duct human resources compliance reviews and/or for a portfolio company to improve, and report on, its audits with outside resources to ensure compliance ESG performance over time: with all relevant regulations ESG Policy: Each company should develop an ESG Diversity and Inclusion: Companies should have policy tailored to its business a diversity and inclusion program with policies and ESG Board Reporting: Each quarterly board report procedures to ensure a diverse and inclusive work should include an ESG section environment ESG Responsibility: ESG management should be ESG Event Reporting: A process should be in place assigned to someone at the company (usually as to ensure that all material ESG issues are reported part of another role). Larger companies should have at the board level within 48 hours (examples include an ESG Committee or working group sexual harassment, an accident that causes the Whistleblower Hotline: Companies should have a death or serious injury of an employee or contractor, hotline for all stakeholders to report concerns and FCPA violations or similar, large network outages, call logs should be made available to their board cyberattacks, employment violations, product recalls, furloughs, regulatory investigations, or lawsuits) Training: Every company should have regular train- Corporate Citizenship: Each company should have ings that reach all employees. Ideally, some training a formal corporate citizenship/philanthropic program courses will utilize expert facilitators rather than only that has executive-level sponsorship and oversight Sharing Best Practices in Giving Back To accelerate implementation of these expectations, we identify and share best practices already in use by companies within our portfolio. For example, we are working with the Vertical Bridge corporate citizenship team to highlight its pro- gram as a template for our other portfolio companies. Through the Vertical Bridge Charitable Network, U.S. employees generously contribute hands-on service and financial resources to the communities where they live and work. Since its inception in 2014, the Vertical Bridge Charitable Network has donated more than $6.4 million to nonprofits chosen by employees and provided more than 3,500 volunteer hours to help these organizations achieve their missions. The Vertical Bridge management team sees this as not only a way to support the communities in which the company operates but also as a valuable tool for employee engagement and retention.

OUR BUSINESS | DIGITALBRIDGE | PORTFOLIO | CITIZENSHIP | APPENDIX | DIGITALBRIDGE.COM 20 Measuring Performance We seek to institute comprehensive portfolio n Medium Priority n High Priority company ESG reporting at the board level so that the management of ESG initiatives and issues is s Low Impact on Business High Impact on Business measured and improved upon during our ownership High Importance to High Importance to period. This ESG focus will position our companies eholderStakeholders Stakeholders well for future owners of these businesses. o Stak Establishing Common Metrics tance tn Low Priority n Medium Priority We seek to actively monitor and manage a set of High Impact on Business core key performance indicators within all of our Impor Low Importance to investments. Beginning in 2021, we expect our Stakeholders portfolio companies to set targets, measure KPIs, disclose results to their relevant board of directors and improve performance on each KPI. Reporting is Impact on Business structured to support disclosure to SASB Standards Portfolio companies are provided a materiality mapping and TCFD recommendations and provide a common template to accelerate the identification of their high data set that will facilitate our ability to manage our priority ESG issues. growing portfolio. Core ESG Key Performance Indicators depending on the company location and asset type. n We advise our companies that after conducting an Cybersecurity n initial assessment, they further investigate locations Diversity n that are deemed high risk. Finally, we also advise Employee Engagement n companies to consider potential climate impacts to Energy Consumption n their high-priority suppliers, particularly those that Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions n provide power and water to high-risk sites. Workplace Health and Safety n Service Disruptions Companies are also expected to report these n Whistleblower Program company-specific performance metrics in a uniform Company-Specific Performance Indicators way to the company’s board of directors each quar- Our portfolio companies operate in different niches ter. Our intent is to obtain consistent, comparable, within the digital infrastructure ecosystem. As such, decision-useful data that can be used to monitor they are expected to also identify, manage, measure and improve ESG performance. and report on ESG metrics most relevant for their particular business. We provide a materiality assess- ALS Continue to support portfolio companies in ment template, shown above right, for companies meeting ESG expectations to use in identifying and prioritizing the ESG issues Provide tools, research and guidance on that have the greatest impact on their business and 2021 GOESG integration and reporting strategies stakeholders. We ask them to provide the results of this mapping exercise to their board of directors for Develop and support portfolio company final selection of company-specific ESG metrics. quarterly board reporting on ESG In addition, we recommend that all portfolio performance companies consider analyzing the exposure and sensitivities of their physical assets to climate risks,

AL OUR BUSINESS | DIGITALBRIDGE | PORTFOLIO | CITIZENSHIP | APPENDIX | DIGITALBRIDGE.COM 21 RONMENT Environmental Social Governance NVI E Environmental Best-in-class environmental management provides a competitive advantage across our portfolio. Our portfolio companies are expected to manage Environmental Issues their environmental performance in a way that n Biodiversity and Land Use seeks to conserve natural resources, reduce oper- n Electricity and Energy Consumption ating costs and adhere to all local regulations. We n ask them to manage their operating performance Energy Management n by reducing energy, water use, waste and carbon Greenhouse Gas Emissions n emissions. Physical Climate Risks n Renewable Energy Use Given the energy-intensive nature of some of our n investments, most notably data centers, energy use Water Consumption and climate-related issues are priority ESG issues for DigitalBridge and our portfolio companies. To de- crease our impact on the climate, we are prioritizing ALS Ensure that all portfolio companies con- the use of clean, renewable energy and reducing the duct an analysis of and measure their GHG carbon footprint of both DigitalBridge as well as our 2021 GOemissions footprint global portfolio. Under our Net Zero 2030 commit- Assist portfolio companies in developing a ment, we are expecting and equipping our portfolio Net Zero 2030 Road Map that aligns with companies to work toward this goal, described in DigitalBridge’s commitment more detail on pages 12 and 13. Establish regular portfolio company board reporting on energy consumption and GHG emissions

AL 2020 ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRESS 22 RONMENT NVI E Carbon Neutral Now...Net Zero 2030 To reach our Net Zero 2030 commitment, we will build on the significant carbon reductions already achieved by many of our portfolio companies. DataBank Beanfield Metroconnect Energy Sourcing Carbon Neutrality A leading provider of enterprise-class data center, Installs, owns and operates the largest independent cloud and interconnection services fiber optic network in Toronto and Montreal, con- n Sourced more than 66% of total power consump- necting more than 2,800 commercial and residential tion from zero- or low-carbon providers as of the buildings n end of 2020 Transitioned 20% of its corporate vehicle fleet from gas to electric vehicles by the end of 2020 n 100% renewable wind energy powers MSP2 n East Twin Cities data center in Minneapolis, On track to complete its first corporate GHG Minnesota, DataBank’s third location fully powered inventory, focusing on its building portfolio, data with renewable energy centers, vehicle fleet, and staff business travel by the end of 2021 n Will host an Environmental Defense Fund Climate n Corps fellow in the summer of 2021 to further Committed to becoming carbon neutral across its improve upon the company’s commitment to operations in Ontario and Quebec by December reducing environmental impacts and improving 2021 energy management Scala Data Centers Vantage Data Centers 100% Renewable Energy Low-Carbon Footprint A hyperscale data center operator delivering world- Powers, cools, protects and connects the technolo- class services to hyperscale customers, cloud gy of some of the world’s well-known hyperscalers, providers and large enterprises across Latin America cloud providers, and large enterprises across North America and Europe n Achieved and has maintained carbon neutral status since its formation n Currently utilizes zero carbon sources for at least n 53% of its electricity in North America and 100% First Latin American data center company to attain in Europe CarbonNeutral® certified n n Achieves an average PUE of at least 1.3 at its Uses 100% certified renewable energy through long- data centers in North America and 1.28 at those term renewable power purchase agreements (PPAs) in Europe backed by Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) n Implemented energy efficiency technologies reaching a power usage effectiveness (PUE) of 1.5, below the 1.77 average for Latin American data centers. New data centers are designed to operate with 1.4 PUE.

AL 23 RONMENT NVI E CASE STUDY Vertical Bridge The World’s First Carbon Neutral Tower Company Vertical Bridge, the largest pri- “Becoming carbon neutral was just a first step vately held owner and operator toward net zero. We want to continue to lead of communications infrastructure in North America, is the first tele- the way on this issue, both because it’s good for communications tower company our business but also because it’s just the right in the world to be certified as thing to do.” carbon neutral. In 2020, the com- pany achieved certification as ALEX GELLMAN CarbonNeutral® in accordance Co-founder and CEO with The CarbonNeutral Protocol, Vertical Bridge the leading global framework for carbon neutrality. As the communications infra- carbon emissions. The projects, gas and displaces use of fossil structure sector prepares to which reduce and remove green- fuels by generating electricity deploy a record number of assets house gases, are focused on Darkwoods Forest Conserva- to support 5G networks, Vertical nature-based climate solutions tion: Protects 156,000 acres of Bridge recognized the need to and resource recovery. boreal forests in British Colum- mitigate its environmental im- Grasslands Portfolio: Preserves bia, Canada, from subdivision, pact. Vertical Bridge conducted grasslands across Colorado and high-impact logging and other rigorous assessment of its car- Montana, locking carbon into the environmental threats bon footprint, including energy soil and avoiding the emissions consumption in its offices, tower from conversion to agriculture operation and construction, and Seneca Meadows Landfill Gas: business travel, in partnership Reduces the environmental im- A full-service, communication with Natural Capital Partners, pact of landfills through methane infrastructure provider, leading experts on carbon neu- capture, electricity generation Vertical Bridge REIT, LLC trality and climate finance. and wetland enhancement (“Vertical Bridge”) creates Nature-Based Solutions tailored solutions for wireless Building on a number of car- Waste-to-Energy: Converts operators, broadcasters and bon reduction tactics across its municipal solid waste in Lee real estate companies. operations, Vertical Bridge is County, Florida, into clean supporting four projects in North energy, averting the production America to offset its unavoidable of landfill-generated methane

AL OUR BUSINESS | DIGITALBRIDGE | PORTFOLIO | CITIZENSHIP | APPENDIX | DIGITALBRIDGE.COM 24 SOCI Environmental Social Governance Social In the workplace and our community, we strive to provide opportunities for people to connect and thrive. We are committed to creating a positive impact for Health and Well-being our stakeholders by ensuring that the companies in Our companies prioritized employee health and which we invest have a strong process for integrating wellness during the COVID-19 pandemic, taking social considerations into their business operations. measures to protect and support employees working Social Issues remotely and those in the field. Through ongoing reporting, portfolio companies shared with us their n Diversity, Equity and Inclusion employee health, safety and wellness initiatives as n Employee Engagement well as employee adaptation to remote working. n Workplace Health and Safety, including COVID-19 Safety Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Best-in-class workplace safety practices are non- We know that diversity is a source of innovation and negotiable. All employees deserve to work in a safe creativity not only at DigitalBridge but also at our and protected atmosphere. Our companies are portfolio companies. Employees in diverse work- expected to maintain strong safety culture and moni- places are more likely to feel accepted and valued, tor performance against relevant industry standards. which reduces turnover, promotes employee well- being and increases profits. We encourage our portfolio companies to identify and include those ALS Increase the diversity of portfolio groups of people who are underrepresented in their company boards of directors as well as company’s industry and relevant geographies and to board candidates build an inclusive environment for everyone. 2021 GO Provide templates to help portfolio Employee Engagement companies accelerate implementation We encourage our companies to measure employee of DEI policies and initiatives engagement through best practices, such as net Establish regular portfolio company promoter scores, and by monitoring voluntary and reporting on core safety, employee involuntary leave rates. These practices empower engagement and DEI metrics companies to make changes that increase produc- Engage with the SEO Portfolio program tivity, bring meaning to work and reduce employee to increase the diversity of new hires at turnover. portfolio companies in 2022 Building an Impactful DEI Program We regularly deliver live, bespoke webinars designed and described how to build an to advance critical company ESG initiatives. More than impactful program at a mid-sized 90 professionals from 14 of our portfolio companies, enterprise. including senior leadership teams, participated in our Beyond this training, we are implementing quarterly “How to Build a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Program board reporting on key DEI performance metrics and at a Mid-Sized Enterprise” webinar. Women’s empow- developing a template our portfolio companies can use erment expert Aditi Mohapatra from our partner BSR to create a DEI policy suited to their business. detailed research on the most effective DEI programs

AL 2020 SOCIAL PROGRESS 25 SOCI Welcoming Workplaces Through purposeful actions, our portfolio companies are creating workplaces that embrace and empower people from all backgrounds. Beanfield Metroconnect Mexico Telecom Partners Inclusive Culture Advancing Gender Equity Installs, owns and operates the largest independent One of the largest private tower companies in fiber optic network in Toronto and Montreal, Mexico wit h a geographically dispersed portfolio; connecting more than 2,800 commercial and partner to all major carriers in that country residential buildings n Employs 45% female employees and 32% women n Engaged 175 new employees in core values and in leadership/executive roles skills training through its Story Leaders 2020 small n To support further growth in females taking on lead- group sessions ership positions, 82% of the female employees have n participated in professional development courses Launched a new anti-oppressive communication training with an outside expert paid for by the company, including Data Centers 101, Ethics and Compliance, Leadership, Quality and Pro- n Supports staff-run employee resource groups that ductivity, English and High-Performance report to the company’s executive-level Diversity n Offers measures and policies that enable all Committee employees to balance work and personal life Scala Data Centers Zayo STEM Education Employee Engagement A hyperscale data center operator delivering Provides mission-critical bandwidth to the world’s world-class services to hyperscale customers, cloud most impactful companies through a 126,000-mile providers and large enterprises across Latin America network in North America and Europe, connecting thousands of buildings and data centers n Funded 28 five-year STEM scholarships in n electrical, civil and mechanical engineering for Launched six employee resource groups spon- underprivileged students in São Paulo, Brazil sored by executive leaders to drive collaboration, provide educational opportunities and support n Investing in growing a data center–specialized community initiatives workforce n Addresses important cultural topics and events n Launched an innovative internship program for through Community Voices series, including panel scholarship students to gain hands-on experience discussions and fireside chats and learn from Scala data center experts. The n program is based on a job rotation that allows Supports under-resourced families and veterans students to work on different areas within Scala. with virtual and in-person volunteer activities n Mentors diverse groups of high school and college students, focusing on business and technology

AL 26 SOCI CASE STUDY Vantage Data Centers JEDI Principles Unleash a Force At a time when the Black Lives “Culture, engagement and innovation all improve Matter and #MeToo movements when a diverse group is around the table.” increased the worldwide focus on social inequities, Vantage was SUREEL CHOKSI already accelerating its efforts President and Chief Executive Officer to ensure that its employees Vantage Data Centers are comfortable and supported coming to work every day as their authentic selves. To this to partner with vendors who Executive Team Diversity end, Vantage seeks to uphold share its commitment to similar four principles–Justice, Equity, principles. NORTH AMERICA EUROPE Diversity and Inclusivity (JEDI). People from For Vantage, these JEDI princi- In early 2021, Vantage launched Underrepresented Groups ples differentiate the company a Women’s Leadership Forum and make its team stronger. to empower, inform and sup- In addition to making adjust- port women, their allies and 36% 36% ments to its hiring practices, advocates to promote women’s Vantage is also identifying careers and gender equity in the metrics and measurements workplace. Through the forum, for tracking progress in hiring women and their allies and practices and other areas. A new advocates exchange information mentorship program will help that helps them advance their Vantage Data Centers underrepresented employees career and expand the number (“Vantage”) powers, cools, succeed in their roles. The of women in a male-dominated protects and connects the company also embraces feed- industry. technology of the world’s well- back, soliciting insights on its Vantage believes that holding known hyperscalers, cloud employee engagement survey to these JEDI principles will help providers and large enterprises regarding employee attitudes on attract stronger talent, lead- in North America and Europe. diversity and inclusion. Seeking ing to better decision-making, to drive change across the digital heightened employee satisfac- industry, Vantage is looking tion, increased productivity and increased innovation.

OUR BUSINESS | DIGITALBRIDGE | PORTFOLIO | CITIZENSHIP | APPENDIX | DIGITALBRIDGE.COM 27 VERNANCE Environmental Social Governance GO Governance Sound corporate governance practices stand at the core of resilient, well-run businesses. Governance Commitment and extends to the expectation that all portfolio companies will establish a whistleblower hotline We seek to instill a spirit of integrity and strong that provides a protected means for employees governance practices throughout our portfolio and all other company stakeholders to communi- companies to guide their interactions with employ- cate concerns. ees and the communities in which they operate. Building on these expectations, we recommend that, Governance Issues as applicable, all of our portfolio companies pursue n disclosure, reporting and performance improvement Corporate Governance in areas that address privacy, data security and n Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), associated human rights. Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption n Privacy, Data Security and Associated Human Rights n Relationships with Governments and Law Enforcement ALS Support and encourage each portfolio n Transparency and Board Reporting company to maintain or establish a We expect our portfolio companies to establish 2021 GOwhistleblower hotline that is available practices that respect human rights, maintain high for all of the company’s stakeholders to ethical standards, provide transparency and submit feedback engage in frequent stakeholder communication. Establish regular portfolio company We have instituted consistent standards of in- reporting on cybersecurity and service tegrity in our portfolio companies, across vary- disruption metrics ing markets, ensuring adherence to the highest levels of ethical conduct. This begins with the establishment of a strong compliance program

2020 GOVERNANCE PROGRESS 28 VERNANCE GO The Road to Responsible Growth Our companies are instituting structures, processes and policies that will support responsible growth. Andean Telecom Partners Beanfield Metroconnect Ethical Culture Data Privacy The largest privately owned provider of digital Installs, owns and operates the largest independent infrastructure in the Andean region, with a portfolio fiber optic network in Toronto and Montreal, of telecommunications towers, rooftops, small cells connecting more than 2,800 commercial and and optical fiber networks residential buildings n Annually provides live training, conducted by its n Ensures compliance with Canada’s Personal external law firm partners, on FCPA, anti-bribery Information Protection and Electronic Documents and anti-corruption to all employees, who are re- Act through a dedicated privacy officer quired to sign an acknowledgment of the training n Adheres to policies governing behavioral and their understanding of, and commitment to, advertising and protecting user privacy these policies n Operates an anonymous whistleblower hotline, which employees can use at any time to report concerns about FCPA, anti-bribery, anti-corruption and all other matters related to corporate ethics Scala Data Centers Vantage Data Centers Value-linked Remuneration Quality Assurance A hyperscale data center operator delivering Powers, cools, protects and connects the services to hyperscaler customers, cloud providers technology of some of the world’s well-known and large enterprises across Latin America hyperscalers, cloud providers and large enterprises n In 2020, defined and implemented a in North America and six markets in Europe comprehensive business KPI program covering n Holds ISO 27001 certification for its information all areas of the company, such as finance, security management system operations, human resources, sales, D&I, and n Obtained an SOC 2 Type 2 report from an employee health and safety. independent third-party auditor on internal n Deploying a new bonus program, based on controls for safeguarding customer data qualitative targets and long-term value creation, n Implementing ISO 9001, 14001, 45001 and 50001 as well as a long-term incentive program certifications governing processes and systems for quality assurance, data security, financial controls, occupational health and safety, environmental management and energy management

29 VERNANCE GO CASE STUDY Highline Combining Growth and Strong Governance Following our 2019 investment “TIM’s commitment to expand connectivity in in Highline, DigitalBridge sought Brazil also means bringing coverage to places to quickly scale the company that are difficult for electricity and transmission into a leading independent tower owner and operator company. infrastructure to access.” Since then, we have worked with the Highline management and MARIO GIRASOLE board of directors to build a best- VP, Regulatory, Institutional and Press Relations in-class corporate governance TIM structure that has promoted common vision for an ethical and environmental sustainabili- ethical growth, digital inclusion approach and continue to build ty, pillars of Brazil’s sustainable and sustainability. trust in the Highline brand. development agenda. In addition Ensuring Ethical Expansion to providing greater connectivity, Digital Inclusion the partnership is helping reduce Highline completed six mergers and Sustainability energy use. Highline has already and acquisitions in 2020, each of Through a recent partnership with installed hundreds of sites that which underwent rigorous due TIM, one of the largest mobile are providing greater connectivity diligence of governance and operators in Brazil, Highline is and which are solar powered. compliance issues with the working to provide connectivity guidance of external, world-class to parts of the country with Digital Inequality advisors. While some tower opera- limited access to the power tors in Brazil may not strictly abide grid. Through their SkyCoverage by legal permitting requirements, project, they are promoting digital 99% 85% Highline maintained rigorous dis- inclusion to remote villages, of smartphone of the poorest cipline to ensure that it purchased many of which rely on subpar users in Brazil population only assets with proper permitting telecommunications services. primarily rely access the or implemented detailed remedi- on that device network exclu- ation and mitigation plans for any SkyCoverage is implementing to access the sively through a with deficiencies. The Highline innovative solutions, such as Internet mobile phone* board of directors fully supports autonomous “unplugged” sites this approach, even though it powered by photovoltaic solar Highline do Brasil (“Highline”) is sometimes means declining panels and connected by an independent provider of satellites. SkyCoverage can communication infrastruc- opportunities. The board and wireless management team share a advance both digital inclusion ture to regional operators and all multinational operators in Brazil. * 2020 Survey by the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee (


OUR BUSINESS | DIGITALBRIDGE | PORTFOLIO | CITIZENSHIP | APPENDIX | DIGITALBRIDGE.COM 31 Ethics and Compliance A culture of ethics and a commitment to integrity provide the foundation for all our business operations. We seek to instill a spirit of integrity throughout Compliance DigitalBridge as well as our portfolio companies DigitalBridge recognizes the importance of building that will guide their interactions with all stakehold- a culture of compliance. All employees are expected ers and the communities in which we operate. At to act with integrity, competence and dignity, and DigitalBridge, our employees are guided by a Code in an ethical manner when dealing with the public, of Business Conduct and Ethics, which requires customers, investors, prospects and each other. We adherence to our own company values as well as communicate our expectations for behavior in established standards such as the Foreign Corrupt various circumstances and provide training and Practices Act. resources on a series of topics such as anti-money Training laundering, gifts and entertainment, insider trading and related party transactions. This content is To promote this ethical culture, we provide our available online to all employees. employees various training programs and opportu- Our Chief Compliance Officer is responsible for nities to enhance their understanding of responsible ensuring that DigitalBridge’s practices are designed behavior and our strict ethical standards. In 2020, to help prevent and detect violations of the federal some of the topics covered in our mandatory and securities laws. Management recognizes its duty on-demand training courses included: anti-corrup- to supervise the actions of our employees to tion, conflicts of interest, confidentiality, insider trad- ensure compliance with DigitalBridge’s policies ing, lobbying compliance, and preventing discrimi- and procedures. nation and harassment. All of our directors, officers and other employees sign an acknowledgment and certification of their understanding of and adherence to our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics when they join the company and annually thereafter. Whistleblower Hotline We provide a variety of ways for all of the company’s stakeholders to report existing or potential violations, including a confidential and anonymous whistleblow- er hotline. Our Complaint Procedures for Accounting and Audit Matters also provides employees or other interested parties with specific guidance on how to report any good faith complaint or concern regarding accounting, internal accounting controls and auditing matters related to the company.

OUR BUSINESS | DIGITALBRIDGE | PORTFOLIO | CITIZENSHIP | APPENDIX | DIGITALBRIDGE.COM 32 Risk and Reliability We maintain a robust system for identifying and managing potential risks to our business. Risk Management Reliability and Resilience In recognition of the importance and relevance The COVID-19 pandemic triggered unprecedented of risk oversight, management and controls, levels of digital infrastructure usage. In an industry DigitalBridge’s Board of Directors Audit Committee, that is essential to keeping society connected and composed solely of independent directors, oversees functioning, our companies rose to the challenge all risks, including ESG and climate-related risks. as they provided uninterrupted service and met The committee engages regularly with our Chief Risk increased internet demand. Our Chief Information Officer, Head of Internal Audit, Audit Committee, Officer oversees a robust ongoing business Board of Directors and executive management to continuity planning process for DigitalBridge and identify and mitigate risks that might affect our our portfolio companies. Additionally, the portfolio business and stakeholders. A full discussion of risk companies operate diverse and redundant networks management is available in our 2020 Annual Report. to ensure they provide reliable service and minimize DigitalBridge’s Investment Committee and Executive any service interruptions. Team are dedicated to minimizing and managing Throughout the crisis, we closely monitored portfo- environmental, social, reputational, governance and lio company performance by expanding their ESG climate-related risks throughout the investment life reporting to encompass relevant COVID-19 response cycle. Risk identification begins during our ESG due and business continuity actions. We were grati- diligence process, which broadens our understand- fied with our portfolio companies’ ability to protect ing and guides us to consider the ESG risks that are employee well-being, deliver on their commitment to the most material for each business. During asset customers and maintain financial performance. management, we engage with portfolio company management to monitor and manage these risks. Portfolio Company Performance Monitored During COVID-19 Employee Engagement Employee Health, General Business Cybersecurity Program Safety and Wellness Continuity Plans Initiatives Human Resource Employee Adaptation COVID-19 Impact Cybersecurity Management to Remote Working Incidents Customer Physical Customer Payments Vendor Assessment Business Disruptions Contact

OUR BUSINESS | DIGITALBRIDGE | PORTFOLIO | CITIZENSHIP | APPENDIX | DIGITALBRIDGE.COM 33 Protecting People and Data We are vigilant in safeguarding people’s rights and customers’ assets. Human Rights Our Chief Compliance Officer and Chief Information Officer work in partnership to monitor, assess, DigitalBridge seeks to protect and uphold human analyze and adapt our policies, processes and rights throughout our business activities. This com- procedures to comply with all applicable data priva- mitment, which encompasses equal rights for all cy and data security regulations. They are guided people, is embedded throughout our culture. by our internal cybersecurity and data governance We recognize that human rights extend to digi- policies, which cover all company information and tal rights and legal rights that allow individuals to are particularly focused on protecting the personal access, use, create and publish digital media or identifiable information of our employees and to access and use technology. Thus, we monitor stakeholders. global investor expectations for digital platforms and We provide regular employee training that illustrates telecommunications, such as those of the Ranking how to spot suspicious activity and educate our em- Digital Rights Corporate Accountability Index. We ployees on potential data privacy and security risks. share this information with our portfolio companies We have taken the following actions to meet the so that they can address key human rights issues of requirements of European Union (EU) General Data governance, freedom of expression and information, Protection Regulation and have obtained EU approv- and privacy. al of our Binding Corporate Rules. We have: We recommend that, as applicable, all of our portfo- n lio companies pursue disclosure, reporting and per- Amended our regulatory compliance policies and formance improvement in areas that address salient procedures n human rights. See page 27. Conducted data mapping exercises to locate and identify personally identifiable information with the result that we are in compliance with EU Data Data Privacy and Data Protection laws n Security Updated and posted new Privacy Policy notices both internally, externally and within our investor The customers of our portfolio companies include portal n some of the world’s largest companies that pro- Reviewed and amended third-party contracts for vide the social connectivity, online commerce and appropriate terms n telecommunications central to modern life. These Delivered training through an annual in-person or businesses depend on the facilities of our portfolio virtual meeting with attendance required for all companies to safeguard their equipment and protect employees the privacy of their data.


OUR BUSINESS | DIGITALBRIDGE | PORTFOLIO | CITIZENSHIP | APPENDIX | DIGITALBRIDGE.COM 35 About This Report Ongoing disclosures are an essential element of accountability. We consider timely and transparent communication Reporting Guidelines and Content to our investors and other stakeholders an integral The content of this report was informed by the element of responsible investing. This 2020 ESG Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Report describes our approach, highlights import- Standards for Real Estate and Telecommunication ant actions and outlines our strategy for 2021 and Services and the Task Force for Climate-related beyond. Financial Disclosures (TCFD) framework. In 2020, we Report Boundaries engaged with internal stakeholders and conducted a materiality assessment to identify priority ESG Published in June 2021, this report contains data issues. The results of this assessment are described as of Dec. 31, 2020, unless otherwise noted. It on page 10 of this report. The topics covered in this reflects our activities for calendar year 2020 as well report were defined based on the results of this as a number of important activities from 2021. This materiality assessment. report was formally reviewed and overseen by our The terms “material” and “materiality” as used in senior management team in collaboration with our the context of this report and in our materiality ESG Committee. For more information, please visit assessment relating to this report are different from such terms as used in the context of filings with the Unless this report indicates otherwise or the context Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Issues otherwise requires, the terms “we,” “our,” “our com- deemed material for purposes of this report may not pany,” “the company” or “us” refer to DigitalBridge be considered material for SEC reporting purposes. and our subsidiaries.

OUR BUSINESS | DIGITALBRIDGE | PORTFOLIO | CITIZENSHIP | APPENDIX | DIGITALBRIDGE.COM 36 Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Index We seek to provide the consistent, comparable, decision-useful information that investors value. SASB Real Estate Accounting Metrics All data as of Dec. 31, 2020 unless otherwise noted Category/ Unit of Real Estate Accounting Metric Measurement DigitalBridge Response ENERGY MANAGEMENT IF-RE-130a.1 Quantitative/ As a global investment company with investments in infrastructure Energy consumption data coverage Percentage operating companies, we do not currently aggregate energy as a percentage of total floor area, (%) by floor consumption at the full portfolio level. However, as part of our by property subsector area Net Zero 2030 commitment, DigitalBridge has required our portfolio companies to calculate and report their greenhouse gas emissions footprint in 2021. IF-RE-130a.2 Quantitative/ See above. (1) Total energy consumed by port- Gigajoules Some of these metrics are tracked by some portfolio companies folio area with data coverage, (2) (GJ) Percent- with higher energy consumption. See Our Portfolio/Environmental on percentage grid electricity, and (3) age (%) pages 22 and 23 for examples. percentage renewable, by property subsector IF-RE-130a.3 Quantitative/ See above. Like-for-like percentage change in Percentage We expect our portfolio companies to begin reporting energy energy consumption for the portfolio (%) consumption data at the board level in 2022. area with data coverage, by proper- ty subsector IF-RE-130a.4 Quantitative/ Energy ratings and Energy Star are not applicable for many of our Percentage of eligible portfolio that Percentage portfolio companies’ operations. Our data center investments mea- (1) has an energy rating and (2) is (%) by floor sure their power usage effectiveness (PUE) and already report that certified to ENERGY STAR, by prop- area data to their boards of directors, and other companies will begin erty subsector reporting energy consumption to their boards in 2022. See Vertical Bridge Case Study on page 23 for an example. IF-RE-130a.5 Discussion DigitalBridge is an investment platform focused on the full spectrum Description of how building energy and of digital infrastructure, including towers, data centers, fiber and small management considerations are Analysis cells. Building energy management considerations are not applica- integrated into property investment ble to the majority of these assets. See Net Zero 2030 on pages 12 analysis and operational strategy and 13 for more about DigitalBridge’s energy management goals and actions.

OUR BUSINESS | DIGITALBRIDGE | PORTFOLIO | CITIZENSHIP | APPENDIX | DIGITALBRIDGE.COM 37 SASB Real Estate Accounting Metrics (cont.) All data as of Dec. 31, 2020 unless otherwise noted Category/ Unit of Real Estate Accounting Metric Measurement DigitalBridge Response WATER MANAGEMENT IF-RE-140a.1 Quantitative/ As water management is not a material consideration for the tower, fiber Water withdrawal data cover- Percentage and small cell companies in which we invest, we do not currently track age as a percentage of (1) total (%) by floor water withdrawal at the full portfolio level. For our data center investments floor area and (2) floor area in area where the business has identified water consumption to be a material regions with High or Extremely environmental issue, we encourage water consumption KPIs (e.g., water High Baseline Water Stress, by usage effectiveness (WUE)) to be tracked and reported to the board of property subsector directors to facilitate management of this issue. IF-RE-140a.2 Quantitative/ We advise our portfolio companies to identify, manage, monitor and 1) Total water withdrawn by Thousand report their most material environmental issues. Where water resources portfolio area with data cov- cubic meters are included, we would expect the relevant portfolio company to report erage and (2) percentage in (m³), Percent- these metrics at the board level on a quarterly basis. We also advise regions with High or Extremely age (%) portfolio companies to assess their physical climate risks, including if any High Baseline Water Stress, by of their locations are in regions with High or Extremely High Baseline property subsector Water Stress. IF-RE-140a.3 Quantitative/ DigitalBridge is an investment platform focused on the full spectrum of Like-for-like percentage change Percentage digital infrastructure, including towers, data centers, fiber and small cells. in water withdrawn for portfolio (%) Water consumption considerations are not applicable to the majority of area with data coverage, by these assets. We do not currently track this data across the portfolio. property subsector IF-RE-140a.4 Discussion Water management risks are not a material consideration for the tower, Description of water manage- and Analysis fiber and small cell companies in which we invest. However, we require ment risks and discussion of all DigitalBridge portfolio companies to identify company-specific key strategies and practices to performance indicators and report them to their boards of directors mitigate those risks quarterly. The data center businesses in which we have invested may identify water management as a high-priority ESG issue. In this case, we would expect them to develop and implement water management strategies and practices. MANAGEMENT OF TENANT SUSTAINABILITY IMPACTS IF-RE-410a.1 Quantitative/ (1) Our leases to do not include cost recovery clauses. (1) Percentage of new leases Percentage (2) Floor area is not a relevant metric for our business. that contain a cost recovery (%) by floor clause for resource efficiency area, Square related capital improvements feet (ft²) and (2) associated leased floor area, by property subsector IF-RE-410a.2 Quantitative/ This metric is dependent on the business model of the individual Percentage of tenants that Percentage operating companies in which DigitalBridge invests. We do not currently are separately metered or (%) by floor track this figure across our portfolio. submetered for (1) grid area electricity consumption and (2) water withdrawals, by property subsector

OUR BUSINESS | DIGITALBRIDGE | PORTFOLIO | CITIZENSHIP | APPENDIX | DIGITALBRIDGE.COM 38 SASB Real Estate Accounting Metrics (cont.) All data as of Dec. 31, 2020 unless otherwise noted Category/ Unit of Real Estate Accounting Metric Measurement DigitalBridge Response MANAGEMENT OF TENANT SUSTAINABILITY IMPACTS (cont.) IF-RE-410a.3 Discussion DigitalBridge is an investment platform focused on the full spectrum of Discussion of approach to and Analysis digital infrastructure, including towers, data centers, fiber and small cells. measuring, incentivizing As the data centers in our portfolio seek to reduce their carbon footprint, and improving sustainability some are collaborating with tenants to jointly address their emissions impacts of tenants reduction goals. CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION IF-RE-450a.1 Quantitative/ We do not track this figure, but relevant prospective new investments Area of properties located Square feet undergo an assessment of resiliency, including if the chosen location is in in 100-year flood zones, by (ft²) a 100-year floodplain, as part of the due diligence process. We advise all property subsector current portfolio companies to assess their physical climate risks and have provided a template for them to do so. IF-RE-450a.2 Discussion As an active investment manager, we engage with each portfolio company Description of climate change and through the ownership period. This includes educating portfolio company risk exposure analysis, de- Analysis management on issues such as climate change risks, providing tools and gree of systematic portfolio requiring quarterly reporting on key performance indicators, including those exposure and strategies for related to climate change and its associated risks. See page 13 for more mitigating risks details on our recent training. We recommend that all portfolio companies consider analyzing the exposure and sensitivities of their physical assets to climate risks, depending on the company location and asset type. After conducting an initial assessment, portfolio companies should conduct further investigations on sites that are deemed high risk. Further, we have educated our portfolio companies on both physical and socioeconomic impacts of climate change and recommend that all portfolio companies consider how the socioeconomic impacts of climate change will impact their business. We believe these investigations will yield valuable informa- tion that can be used to better understand our risk exposure. As many of our investments have been in our portfolio for less than a year, we have not yet conducted a full analysis of our systemic portfolio exposure. Going forward, we expect to be able to gain a better understanding of our risk exposure as our portfolio companies complete their first full year of quarterly reporting on core and company-specific key performance indicators. See Measuring Performance on page 20. We believe that our Net Zero 2030 commitment will help us reduce climate risks, which are becoming more costly and/or widespread throughout the economy. Also, by considering climate change risks during the due diligence process, DigitalBridge can better understand how to mitigate potential climate-related risks.

OUR BUSINESS | DIGITALBRIDGE | PORTFOLIO | CITIZENSHIP | APPENDIX | DIGITALBRIDGE.COM 39 SASB Real Estate Activity Metrics All data as of Dec. 31, 2020 unless otherwise noted Category/ Unit of Real Estate Activity Metric Measurement DigitalBridge Response IF-RE-000.A Quantitative/ See About DigitalBridge on page 5. Number of assets, by property sub- Number sector IF-RE-000.B Quantitative/ Floor area is not relevant to many of our portfolio companies as we Leasable floor area, by property sub- Square feet provide access and capacity to our shared communications sector (ft²) infrastructure (towers, small cells and fiber). IF-RE-000.C Quantitative/ We do not outsource the management of our assets to third Percentage of indirectly managed Percentage parties. assets, by property subsector (%) by floor area IF-RE-000.D Quantitative/ This data is not relevant to our business model. Average occupancy rate, by property Percentage subsector (%) SASB Telecommunication Services Accounting Metrics All data as of Dec. 31, 2020 unless otherwise noted Category/ Telecommunication Services Unit of Accounting Metric Measurement DigitalBridge Response ENVIRONMENTAL FOOTPRINT OF OPERATIONS TC-TL-130a.1 Quantitative/ We are asking relevant DigitalBridge portfolio companies to report (1) Total energy consumed Gigajoules energy consumption in kW and intensity relative to a company-de- (2) percentage grid electricity (GJ), Percent- fined base unit. (3) percentage renewable age (%) DATA PRIVACY TC-TL-220a.1 Discussion Data privacy is a priority ESG issue for both DigitalBridge and our Description of policies and practices and Analysis portfolio companies. See Protecting People and Data for informa- relating to behavioral advertising and tion on DigitalBridge’s corporate policies and practices regarding customer privacy customer privacy. See Our Portfolio/Governance for information on data privacy expectations and accomplishments in our portfolio. TC-TL-220a.2 Quantitative/ To our knowledge, no customer information has been used for Number of customers whose informa- Number secondary purposes. It would be highly unlikely for DigitalBridge tion is used for secondary purposes to invest in a company where customer information is used for secondary purposes. TC-TL-220a.3 Quantitative/ In 2020, DigitalBridge did not incur any monetary losses as a result Total amount of monetary losses as a Reporting of legal proceedings associated with customer privacy. result of legal proceedings associated Currency with customer privacy

OUR BUSINESS | DIGITALBRIDGE | PORTFOLIO | CITIZENSHIP | APPENDIX | DIGITALBRIDGE.COM 40 SASB Telecommunication Services Accounting Metrics (cont.) All data as of Dec. 31, 2020 unless otherwise noted Category/ Telecommunication Services Unit of Accounting Metric Measurement DigitalBridge Response DATA PRIVACY (cont.) TC-TL-220a.4 Quantitative/ (1) None (1) Number of law enforcement requests for Number, (2) None customer information, (2) number of cus- Percentage (3) Not applicable tomers whose information was requested, (3) percentage resulting in disclosure DATA SECURITY TC-TL-230a.1 Quantitative/ DigitalBridge had no material breaches during 2020. (1) Number of data breaches, (2) percentage Number, involving personally identifiable information Percentage (PII), (3) number of customers affected TC-TL-230a.2 Discussion See Protecting People and Data on page 33. Description of approach to identifying and and Analysis addressing data security risks, including use of third-party cybersecurity standards PRODUCT END-OF-LIFE MANAGEMENT TC-TL-440a.1 Quantitative/ This disclosure is not relevant to our business as we do not (1) Materials recovered through take back Metric tons (t), sell physical products. programs, percentage of recovered mate- Percentage rials that were (2) reused, (3) recycled, and (%) (4) landfilled COMPETITIVE BEHAVIOR & OPEN INTERNET TC-TL-520a.1 Quantitative/ In 2020, DigitalBridge did not experience any monetary losses Total amount of monetary losses as a result Reporting as a result of legal proceedings associated with regulation of legal proceedings associated with anti- Currency governing anticompetitive behavior. competitive behavior regulations TC-TL-520a.2 Quantitative/ This is not applicable to our business model. Average actual sustained download speed Megabits per- of (1) owned and commercially associated second (Mbps) content and (2) nonassociated content TC-TL-520a.3 Discussion DigitalBridge remains neutral with respect to the repeal of net Description of risks and opportunities asso- and Analysis neutrality. Within our investment portfolio, these issues are ciated with net neutrality, paid peering, zero managed at the portfolio company level. rating and related practices

OUR BUSINESS | DIGITALBRIDGE | PORTFOLIO | CITIZENSHIP | APPENDIX | DIGITALBRIDGE.COM 41 SASB Telecommunication Services Accounting Metrics (cont.) All data as of Dec. 31, 2020 unless otherwise noted Category/ Telecommunication Services Unit of Accounting Metric Measurement DigitalBridge Response MANAGING SYSTEMIC RISKS FROM TECHNOLOGY DISRUPTIONS TC-TL-550a.1 Quantitative/ When relevant, this is tracked and reported at the portfolio (1) System average interruption frequen- Disruptions company board level. cy and (2) customer average interruption per customer, duration Hours per customer TC-TL-550a.2 Discussion See Risk and Reliability. Discussion of systems to provide unimpeded and Analysis service during service interruptions SASB Telecommunication Services Activity Metrics All data as of Dec. 31, 2020 unless otherwise noted Category/ Unit of Telecommunication Services Activity Metric Measurement DigitalBridge Response Number of wireless subscribers Quantitative/ This is not applicable to our business model. Number TC-TL-000.A Quantitative/ This is not applicable to our business model. Number of wireline subscribers Number TC-TL-000.B Quantitative/ This is not applicable to our business model. Number of broadband subscribers Number TC-TL-000.D Quantitative/ This is not applicable to our business model. Network traffic Number

OUR BUSINESS | DIGITALBRIDGE | PORTFOLIO | CITIZENSHIP | APPENDIX | DIGITALBRIDGE.COM 4242 Important Information This Report is provided by DigitalBridge for infor- statements relate to expectations, beliefs, projec- mational purposes only and is solely intended to tions, future plans and strategies, anticipated events provide an overview of the ESG processes and or trends and similar expressions concerning matters initiatives of DigitalBridge and certain of its portfolio that are not historical facts. In some cases, you can companies; it is not intended to describe the perfor- identify forward-looking statements by the use of mance of any investment or company. This Report forward-looking terminology such as “may,” “will,” should not be relied upon for any other purpose. This “should,” “expects,” “intends,” “plans,” “anticipates,” Report does not constitute an offer to sell, or the “believes,” “estimates,” “predicts,” or “potential” or solicitation of an offer to buy, any security, product the negative of these words and phrases or similar or service, including interests in any investment fund words or phrases that are predictions of or indi- managed by DigitalBridge (the “Funds”). Referenc- cate future events or trends and that do not relate es to portfolio companies are intended to illustrate solely to historical matters. Due to various risks and the application of DigitalBridge’s ESG priorities only uncertainties, actual events or results of the actual and should not be viewed as a recommendation of performance of DigitalBridge, any Fund and any any particular security or company. Any information portfolio company may differ materially from those provided in this Report about past investments is reflected or contemplated in such forward-looking provided solely to exemplify various aspects of pre- information. As such, undue reliance should not be viously utilized ESG processes and strategies. Any placed on such information, and no individual or past performance information provided herein is not entity should rely on such information in connection indicative nor a guarantee of future returns. Not all with buying or selling any securities or making or ESG metrics are applicable to DigitalBridge or each selling any investment. company, and methodologies for measuring ESG The information contained in this Report may not metrics differ across industries and asset classes. necessarily be complete and may change at any While DigitalBridge integrates certain ESG factors time without notice. DigitalBridge does not have any into its investment process in accordance with its responsibility to update this Report to account for ESG policy and subject to its fiduciary duty and any any such changes. DigitalBridge makes no represen- applicable legal, regulatory or contractual require- tation or warranty, express or implied, with respect ments, there is no guarantee that DigitalBridge’s ESG to the accuracy, reasonableness or completeness policy will be successful or that it will create a pos- of any of the information contained herein, includ- itive ESG impact. In addition, applying ESG factors ing without limitation, information obtained from to investment decisions is qualitative and subjective portfolio companies or other third parties. Certain by nature, and there is no guarantee that the criteria information contained herein has been prepared and utilized by DigitalBridge, or any judgment exercised compiled by the applicable portfolio company and by DigitalBridge, reflects the beliefs or values of has not necessarily been reviewed or independently any particular person or industry participant. There verified or assured by DigitalBridge or any other third are significant differences in interpretations of what party. DigitalBridge does not accept any responsibil- positive ESG characteristics mean by region, indus- ity for the content of such information and does not try and issue, and these interpretations are rapidly guarantee the accuracy, adequacy or completeness evolving. of such information. This report contains forward-looking statements, including statements about our goals and expecta- tions regarding our ESG initiatives. Forward-looking

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