OUR BUSINESS | DIGITALBRIDGE | PORTFOLIO | CITIZENSHIP | APPENDIX | DIGITALBRIDGE.COM 32 Risk and Reliability We maintain a robust system for identifying and managing potential risks to our business. Risk Management Reliability and Resilience In recognition of the importance and relevance The COVID-19 pandemic triggered unprecedented of risk oversight, management and controls, levels of digital infrastructure usage. In an industry DigitalBridge’s Board of Directors Audit Committee, that is essential to keeping society connected and composed solely of independent directors, oversees functioning, our companies rose to the challenge all risks, including ESG and climate-related risks. as they provided uninterrupted service and met The committee engages regularly with our Chief Risk increased internet demand. Our Chief Information Officer, Head of Internal Audit, Audit Committee, Officer oversees a robust ongoing business Board of Directors and executive management to continuity planning process for DigitalBridge and identify and mitigate risks that might affect our our portfolio companies. Additionally, the portfolio business and stakeholders. A full discussion of risk companies operate diverse and redundant networks management is available in our 2020 Annual Report. to ensure they provide reliable service and minimize DigitalBridge’s Investment Committee and Executive any service interruptions. Team are dedicated to minimizing and managing Throughout the crisis, we closely monitored portfo- environmental, social, reputational, governance and lio company performance by expanding their ESG climate-related risks throughout the investment life reporting to encompass relevant COVID-19 response cycle. Risk identification begins during our ESG due and business continuity actions. We were grati- diligence process, which broadens our understand- fied with our portfolio companies’ ability to protect ing and guides us to consider the ESG risks that are employee well-being, deliver on their commitment to the most material for each business. During asset customers and maintain financial performance. management, we engage with portfolio company management to monitor and manage these risks. Portfolio Company Performance Monitored During COVID-19 Employee Engagement Employee Health, General Business Cybersecurity Program Safety and Wellness Continuity Plans Initiatives Human Resource Employee Adaptation COVID-19 Impact Cybersecurity Management to Remote Working Incidents Customer Physical Customer Payments Vendor Assessment Business Disruptions Contact

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