OUR BUSINESS | DIGITALBRIDGE | PORTFOLIO | CITIZENSHIP | APPENDIX | DIGITALBRIDGE.COM 4242 Important Information This Report is provided by DigitalBridge for infor- statements relate to expectations, beliefs, projec- mational purposes only and is solely intended to tions, future plans and strategies, anticipated events provide an overview of the ESG processes and or trends and similar expressions concerning matters initiatives of DigitalBridge and certain of its portfolio that are not historical facts. In some cases, you can companies; it is not intended to describe the perfor- identify forward-looking statements by the use of mance of any investment or company. This Report forward-looking terminology such as “may,” “will,” should not be relied upon for any other purpose. This “should,” “expects,” “intends,” “plans,” “anticipates,” Report does not constitute an offer to sell, or the “believes,” “estimates,” “predicts,” or “potential” or solicitation of an offer to buy, any security, product the negative of these words and phrases or similar or service, including interests in any investment fund words or phrases that are predictions of or indi- managed by DigitalBridge (the “Funds”). Referenc- cate future events or trends and that do not relate es to portfolio companies are intended to illustrate solely to historical matters. Due to various risks and the application of DigitalBridge’s ESG priorities only uncertainties, actual events or results of the actual and should not be viewed as a recommendation of performance of DigitalBridge, any Fund and any any particular security or company. Any information portfolio company may differ materially from those provided in this Report about past investments is reflected or contemplated in such forward-looking provided solely to exemplify various aspects of pre- information. As such, undue reliance should not be viously utilized ESG processes and strategies. Any placed on such information, and no individual or past performance information provided herein is not entity should rely on such information in connection indicative nor a guarantee of future returns. Not all with buying or selling any securities or making or ESG metrics are applicable to DigitalBridge or each selling any investment. company, and methodologies for measuring ESG The information contained in this Report may not metrics differ across industries and asset classes. necessarily be complete and may change at any While DigitalBridge integrates certain ESG factors time without notice. DigitalBridge does not have any into its investment process in accordance with its responsibility to update this Report to account for ESG policy and subject to its fiduciary duty and any any such changes. DigitalBridge makes no represen- applicable legal, regulatory or contractual require- tation or warranty, express or implied, with respect ments, there is no guarantee that DigitalBridge’s ESG to the accuracy, reasonableness or completeness policy will be successful or that it will create a pos- of any of the information contained herein, includ- itive ESG impact. In addition, applying ESG factors ing without limitation, information obtained from to investment decisions is qualitative and subjective portfolio companies or other third parties. Certain by nature, and there is no guarantee that the criteria information contained herein has been prepared and utilized by DigitalBridge, or any judgment exercised compiled by the applicable portfolio company and by DigitalBridge, reflects the beliefs or values of has not necessarily been reviewed or independently any particular person or industry participant. There verified or assured by DigitalBridge or any other third are significant differences in interpretations of what party. DigitalBridge does not accept any responsibil- positive ESG characteristics mean by region, indus- ity for the content of such information and does not try and issue, and these interpretations are rapidly guarantee the accuracy, adequacy or completeness evolving. of such information. This report contains forward-looking statements, including statements about our goals and expecta- tions regarding our ESG initiatives. Forward-looking

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