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OUR BUSINESS | DIGITALBRIDGE | PORTFOLIO | CITIZENSHIP | APPENDIX | DIGITALBRIDGE.COM 35 About This Report Ongoing disclosures are an essential element of accountability. We consider timely and transparent communication Reporting Guidelines and Content to our investors and other stakeholders an integral The content of this report was informed by the element of responsible investing. This 2020 ESG Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Report describes our approach, highlights import- Standards for Real Estate and Telecommunication ant actions and outlines our strategy for 2021 and Services and the Task Force for Climate-related beyond. Financial Disclosures (TCFD) framework. In 2020, we Report Boundaries engaged with internal stakeholders and conducted a materiality assessment to identify priority ESG Published in June 2021, this report contains data issues. The results of this assessment are described as of Dec. 31, 2020, unless otherwise noted. It on page 10 of this report. The topics covered in this reflects our activities for calendar year 2020 as well report were defined based on the results of this as a number of important activities from 2021. This materiality assessment. report was formally reviewed and overseen by our The terms “material” and “materiality” as used in senior management team in collaboration with our the context of this report and in our materiality ESG Committee. For more information, please visit assessment relating to this report are different from such terms as used in the context of filings with the Unless this report indicates otherwise or the context Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Issues otherwise requires, the terms “we,” “our,” “our com- deemed material for purposes of this report may not pany,” “the company” or “us” refer to DigitalBridge be considered material for SEC reporting purposes. and our subsidiaries.

ESG Report | DigitalBridge Flipbook Page 36 Page 38