OUR BUSINESS | DIGITALBRIDGE | PORTFOLIO | CITIZENSHIP | APPENDIX | DIGITALBRIDGE.COM 37 SASB Real Estate Accounting Metrics (cont.) All data as of Dec. 31, 2020 unless otherwise noted Category/ Unit of Real Estate Accounting Metric Measurement DigitalBridge Response WATER MANAGEMENT IF-RE-140a.1 Quantitative/ As water management is not a material consideration for the tower, fiber Water withdrawal data cover- Percentage and small cell companies in which we invest, we do not currently track age as a percentage of (1) total (%) by floor water withdrawal at the full portfolio level. For our data center investments floor area and (2) floor area in area where the business has identified water consumption to be a material regions with High or Extremely environmental issue, we encourage water consumption KPIs (e.g., water High Baseline Water Stress, by usage effectiveness (WUE)) to be tracked and reported to the board of property subsector directors to facilitate management of this issue. IF-RE-140a.2 Quantitative/ We advise our portfolio companies to identify, manage, monitor and 1) Total water withdrawn by Thousand report their most material environmental issues. Where water resources portfolio area with data cov- cubic meters are included, we would expect the relevant portfolio company to report erage and (2) percentage in (m³), Percent- these metrics at the board level on a quarterly basis. We also advise regions with High or Extremely age (%) portfolio companies to assess their physical climate risks, including if any High Baseline Water Stress, by of their locations are in regions with High or Extremely High Baseline property subsector Water Stress. IF-RE-140a.3 Quantitative/ DigitalBridge is an investment platform focused on the full spectrum of Like-for-like percentage change Percentage digital infrastructure, including towers, data centers, fiber and small cells. in water withdrawn for portfolio (%) Water consumption considerations are not applicable to the majority of area with data coverage, by these assets. We do not currently track this data across the portfolio. property subsector IF-RE-140a.4 Discussion Water management risks are not a material consideration for the tower, Description of water manage- and Analysis fiber and small cell companies in which we invest. However, we require ment risks and discussion of all DigitalBridge portfolio companies to identify company-specific key strategies and practices to performance indicators and report them to their boards of directors mitigate those risks quarterly. The data center businesses in which we have invested may identify water management as a high-priority ESG issue. In this case, we would expect them to develop and implement water management strategies and practices. MANAGEMENT OF TENANT SUSTAINABILITY IMPACTS IF-RE-410a.1 Quantitative/ (1) Our leases to do not include cost recovery clauses. (1) Percentage of new leases Percentage (2) Floor area is not a relevant metric for our business. that contain a cost recovery (%) by floor clause for resource efficiency area, Square related capital improvements feet (ft²) and (2) associated leased floor area, by property subsector IF-RE-410a.2 Quantitative/ This metric is dependent on the business model of the individual Percentage of tenants that Percentage operating companies in which DigitalBridge invests. We do not currently are separately metered or (%) by floor track this figure across our portfolio. submetered for (1) grid area electricity consumption and (2) water withdrawals, by property subsector

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