OUR BUSINESS | DIGITALBRIDGE | PORTFOLIO | CITIZENSHIP | APPENDIX | DIGITALBRIDGE.COM 40 SASB Telecommunication Services Accounting Metrics (cont.) All data as of Dec. 31, 2020 unless otherwise noted Category/ Telecommunication Services Unit of Accounting Metric Measurement DigitalBridge Response DATA PRIVACY (cont.) TC-TL-220a.4 Quantitative/ (1) None (1) Number of law enforcement requests for Number, (2) None customer information, (2) number of cus- Percentage (3) Not applicable tomers whose information was requested, (3) percentage resulting in disclosure DATA SECURITY TC-TL-230a.1 Quantitative/ DigitalBridge had no material breaches during 2020. (1) Number of data breaches, (2) percentage Number, involving personally identifiable information Percentage (PII), (3) number of customers affected TC-TL-230a.2 Discussion See Protecting People and Data on page 33. Description of approach to identifying and and Analysis addressing data security risks, including use of third-party cybersecurity standards PRODUCT END-OF-LIFE MANAGEMENT TC-TL-440a.1 Quantitative/ This disclosure is not relevant to our business as we do not (1) Materials recovered through take back Metric tons (t), sell physical products. programs, percentage of recovered mate- Percentage rials that were (2) reused, (3) recycled, and (%) (4) landfilled COMPETITIVE BEHAVIOR & OPEN INTERNET TC-TL-520a.1 Quantitative/ In 2020, DigitalBridge did not experience any monetary losses Total amount of monetary losses as a result Reporting as a result of legal proceedings associated with regulation of legal proceedings associated with anti- Currency governing anticompetitive behavior. competitive behavior regulations TC-TL-520a.2 Quantitative/ This is not applicable to our business model. Average actual sustained download speed Megabits per- of (1) owned and commercially associated second (Mbps) content and (2) nonassociated content TC-TL-520a.3 Discussion DigitalBridge remains neutral with respect to the repeal of net Description of risks and opportunities asso- and Analysis neutrality. Within our investment portfolio, these issues are ciated with net neutrality, paid peering, zero managed at the portfolio company level. rating and related practices

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