OUR BUSINESS | DIGITALBRIDGE | PORTFOLIO | CITIZENSHIP | APPENDIX | DIGITALBRIDGE.COM 39 SASB Real Estate Activity Metrics All data as of Dec. 31, 2020 unless otherwise noted Category/ Unit of Real Estate Activity Metric Measurement DigitalBridge Response IF-RE-000.A Quantitative/ See About DigitalBridge on page 5. Number of assets, by property sub- Number sector IF-RE-000.B Quantitative/ Floor area is not relevant to many of our portfolio companies as we Leasable floor area, by property sub- Square feet provide access and capacity to our shared communications sector (ft²) infrastructure (towers, small cells and fiber). IF-RE-000.C Quantitative/ We do not outsource the management of our assets to third Percentage of indirectly managed Percentage parties. assets, by property subsector (%) by floor area IF-RE-000.D Quantitative/ This data is not relevant to our business model. Average occupancy rate, by property Percentage subsector (%) SASB Telecommunication Services Accounting Metrics All data as of Dec. 31, 2020 unless otherwise noted Category/ Telecommunication Services Unit of Accounting Metric Measurement DigitalBridge Response ENVIRONMENTAL FOOTPRINT OF OPERATIONS TC-TL-130a.1 Quantitative/ We are asking relevant DigitalBridge portfolio companies to report (1) Total energy consumed Gigajoules energy consumption in kW and intensity relative to a company-de- (2) percentage grid electricity (GJ), Percent- fined base unit. (3) percentage renewable age (%) DATA PRIVACY TC-TL-220a.1 Discussion Data privacy is a priority ESG issue for both DigitalBridge and our Description of policies and practices and Analysis portfolio companies. See Protecting People and Data for informa- relating to behavioral advertising and tion on DigitalBridge’s corporate policies and practices regarding customer privacy customer privacy. See Our Portfolio/Governance for information on data privacy expectations and accomplishments in our portfolio. TC-TL-220a.2 Quantitative/ To our knowledge, no customer information has been used for Number of customers whose informa- Number secondary purposes. It would be highly unlikely for DigitalBridge tion is used for secondary purposes to invest in a company where customer information is used for secondary purposes. TC-TL-220a.3 Quantitative/ In 2020, DigitalBridge did not incur any monetary losses as a result Total amount of monetary losses as a Reporting of legal proceedings associated with customer privacy. result of legal proceedings associated Currency with customer privacy

ESG Report | DigitalBridge Flipbook Page 40 Page 42