29 VERNANCE GO CASE STUDY Highline Combining Growth and Strong Governance Following our 2019 investment “TIM’s commitment to expand connectivity in in Highline, DigitalBridge sought Brazil also means bringing coverage to places to quickly scale the company that are difficult for electricity and transmission into a leading independent tower owner and operator company. infrastructure to access.” Since then, we have worked with the Highline management and MARIO GIRASOLE board of directors to build a best- VP, Regulatory, Institutional and Press Relations in-class corporate governance TIM structure that has promoted common vision for an ethical and environmental sustainabili- ethical growth, digital inclusion approach and continue to build ty, pillars of Brazil’s sustainable and sustainability. trust in the Highline brand. development agenda. In addition Ensuring Ethical Expansion to providing greater connectivity, Digital Inclusion the partnership is helping reduce Highline completed six mergers and Sustainability energy use. Highline has already and acquisitions in 2020, each of Through a recent partnership with installed hundreds of sites that which underwent rigorous due TIM, one of the largest mobile are providing greater connectivity diligence of governance and operators in Brazil, Highline is and which are solar powered. compliance issues with the working to provide connectivity guidance of external, world-class to parts of the country with Digital Inequality advisors. While some tower opera- limited access to the power tors in Brazil may not strictly abide grid. Through their SkyCoverage by legal permitting requirements, project, they are promoting digital 99% 85% Highline maintained rigorous dis- inclusion to remote villages, of smartphone of the poorest cipline to ensure that it purchased many of which rely on subpar users in Brazil population only assets with proper permitting telecommunications services. primarily rely access the or implemented detailed remedi- on that device network exclu- ation and mitigation plans for any SkyCoverage is implementing to access the sively through a with deficiencies. The Highline innovative solutions, such as Internet mobile phone* board of directors fully supports autonomous “unplugged” sites this approach, even though it powered by photovoltaic solar Highline do Brasil (“Highline”) is sometimes means declining panels and connected by an independent provider of satellites. SkyCoverage can communication infrastruc- opportunities. The board and wireless management team share a advance both digital inclusion ture to regional operators and all multinational operators in Brazil. * 2020 Survey by the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee (CGI.br)

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