AL 26 SOCI CASE STUDY Vantage Data Centers JEDI Principles Unleash a Force At a time when the Black Lives “Culture, engagement and innovation all improve Matter and #MeToo movements when a diverse group is around the table.” increased the worldwide focus on social inequities, Vantage was SUREEL CHOKSI already accelerating its efforts President and Chief Executive Officer to ensure that its employees Vantage Data Centers are comfortable and supported coming to work every day as their authentic selves. To this to partner with vendors who Executive Team Diversity end, Vantage seeks to uphold share its commitment to similar four principles–Justice, Equity, principles. NORTH AMERICA EUROPE Diversity and Inclusivity (JEDI). People from For Vantage, these JEDI princi- In early 2021, Vantage launched Underrepresented Groups ples differentiate the company a Women’s Leadership Forum and make its team stronger. to empower, inform and sup- In addition to making adjust- port women, their allies and 36% 36% ments to its hiring practices, advocates to promote women’s Vantage is also identifying careers and gender equity in the metrics and measurements workplace. Through the forum, for tracking progress in hiring women and their allies and practices and other areas. A new advocates exchange information mentorship program will help that helps them advance their Vantage Data Centers underrepresented employees career and expand the number (“Vantage”) powers, cools, succeed in their roles. The of women in a male-dominated protects and connects the company also embraces feed- industry. technology of the world’s well- back, soliciting insights on its Vantage believes that holding known hyperscalers, cloud employee engagement survey to these JEDI principles will help providers and large enterprises regarding employee attitudes on attract stronger talent, lead- in North America and Europe. diversity and inclusion. Seeking ing to better decision-making, to drive change across the digital heightened employee satisfac- industry, Vantage is looking tion, increased productivity and increased innovation.

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