OUR BUSINESS | DIGITALBRIDGE | PORTFOLIO | CITIZENSHIP | APPENDIX | DIGITALBRIDGE.COM 10 Priority ESG Issues a targeted universe of priority issues that we The thoughtful consideration of ESG issues provides consider during due diligence as well as actively an important perspective to identify potential risks monitor and address during asset management: and opportunities to create value. DigitalBridge is n strategically directing our attention and resources on Climate Change: Energy Efficiency, Greenhouse those issues where we can achieve the greatest out- Gas Emissions and Physical Climate Risks n comes throughout the investment process. During Data Privacy, Data Security and Associated Human both due diligence and asset management, we focus Rights n on the most relevant ESG issues, which we have pri- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) n oritized according to two criteria: those that have the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, Anti-Bribery greatest impact on our business and/or our digital and Anti-Corruption n infrastructure portfolio companies and those that are Workplace Health and Safety the most important to our stakeholders. The result is ESG Integration Process for Fund Management Due Portfolio Portfolio Diligence Engagement Reporting What We Do Our ESG Consultant and What We Do We educate and empower What We Do We provide portfolio Investment Teams review material portfolio company professionals with companies with a common set of ESG factors of all potential invest- knowledge, tools, resources and con- ESG metrics to be reported at each ments in accordance with Digi- nections to accelerate ESG integration. portfolio company board meeting and talBridge’s Responsible Investment We do this through trainings, introduc- partner with individual portfolio Policy. tions to vetted vendors, a dedicated companies to develop additional Results We provide a summary resource site that includes templates relevant metrics. of ESG analysis to the Investment and guidance for initiatives related to Results Each DigitalBridge portfolio Committee to inform the investment DEI, energy management, stakeholder company has an employee who decision. management and human rights. manages ESG issues and will be ex- Results DigitalBridge portfolio com- pected to report on DigitalBridge ESG panies are leading the way on many metrics in each quarterly portfolio important ESG issues across their company board report. respective sector. INTEGRATION OF ESG PRACTICES & SOLUTIONS Building Internal Capabilities Every member of our company needs to understand and integrate relevant ESG considerations in their respective role. Thus, all DigitalBridge professionals are trained annually on ESG issues. In 2020, all employees participated in a customized session that detailed the company’s approach to ESG integration, how ESG consider- ations are embedded in our investment process and the potential impacts of climate change on digital infrastructure. This training was designed to equip our investment professionals to fully participate in the ESG integration process.

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