OUR BUSINESS | DIGITALBRIDGE | PORTFOLIO | CITIZENSHIP | APPENDIX | DIGITALBRIDGE.COM 2 year later, sound corporate governance and Empowering People responsible leadership are the cornerstones of our Human capital is the lifeblood of any organization. organization. Our executive leadership team has I believe that ethics, enthusiasm and expertise been fully rotated, with new talent in virtually every are critical to achieving our goals. Thus, we have senior position. Guided by shareholder input, we ingrained a new culture and have promoted new instituted stronger corporate governance practices values across our entire business. By more fully and better aligned executive compensation with embracing people from a variety of backgrounds, we shareholders’ interests. I led the transformation of are forming a diverse, next-generation team to help our Board of Directors, substantially increasing the us build a more sustainable organization. Through diversity, independence and digital expertise of the enhanced hiring practices, we have more than tripled board. We believe this smaller, more diverse and the percentage of women on our investment team digitally focused board will improve the strategic over the past three years. While we are off to a good direction of the company. start, it is not nearly enough. Under our four-pillar Taking Action on Climate Change Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiatives, we will continue to ensure we have a workplace where Climate change is one of the most pressing prob- people from all backgrounds can thrive. lems facing our world today. As a society, we must I invite you to read this report to learn more about enact systemic change to avert catastrophic climate our accomplishments and aspirations. As technology breakdown. As such, DigitalBridge has made a bold, advances and telecommunication networks expand, science-based commitment that seeks to achieve we will continue to scale our business and provide net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2030–and the infrastructure and expertise to support the this commitment includes all of our portfolio com- future. We pledge to do so guided by our ethics. We panies. Our Net Zero 2030 commitment is both a will act with transparency. And we will be mindful of business and ethical imperative. Beyond that, net our impact on local communities and the planet. zero strategies will be a competitive advantage for our portfolio companies. Many of them are strategic partners to some of the world’s largest organizations Marc Ganzi that also have ambitious climate and clean energy commitments. This important work will build on and Chief Executive Officer accelerate our portfolio companies’ responsible DigitalBridge energy management and use of renewable energy sources. Our focus is firmly on the future as we pioneer the creation and implementation of net zero strat- egies as an asset manager. We are deepening our commitment to responsible environmental, social and governance management, embracing our role as a thought leader that breaks barriers and leads by action.

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